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Πίνακας Ελέγχου Συστήματος (HP-X6EM-E71-SCP)

Πίνακας Ελέγχου Συστήματος [Πίνακας Eλέγχου HP-X6EM-E71-SCP]

Το SCP είναι το καμάρι του συστήματος, και στέκεται περίοπτo στο πορτ-μπαγκάζ του αυτοκινήτου, ενώ το υπόλοιπο σύστημα παραμένει κρυμμένο και αφανής. Ωστόσο, όλες οι δράσεις που μπορούν να εκτελεστούν από το σύστημα μπορούν να ελέγχονται εύκολα και από το SCP.
Το SCP είναι εγκατεστημένο στο δεξιό πτερύγιο του πορτ-μπαγκάζ του X6 και κάνει χρήση της κοιλώτητας στο πτερύγιο για να στεγάσει τα διάφορα του μέρη.


  • Main Alternator Battery volt reading.
  • Battery analyser and monitor for both Main and Service Battery Banks, keeps you updated as to their condition.
  • Inverter control and monitoring.
  • Inverter outlet 240V AC 1500W continuous.
  • AC output consumption monitor.
  • 2x DC outputs 180W max. each or 360W max. combined.
  • 1 x DC output 560W max.
  • DC output consumption monitor.
  • 1x Solar input 23V/300W max.
  • Solar power input monitor.
  • 240V AC charging socket
  • AC Charging monitor.
  • Remote activation switch for ‘Parallel Mode’
  • LED light for excellent visibility at all times with convenient light switch.


  • Durite analogue battery meter
  • SmartGauge dual battery digital monitoring system
  • Sinergex Inverter Remote
  • LED lights and switch
  • Plug-In Power and Energy Monitor Socket
  • 3x LCD Power Meters/Analyzers (each with its own reset switch)
  • 3x 12V DC I/O sockets
  • *AC charging socket
  • *Parallel Mode remote switch
  • SCP Connection Panel

SCP Components

Start Battery Voltmeter

12 volt Illuminated Voltmeter gauge with 90° sweep dial.
This meter is used to keep a constant eye on the voltage of the main Alternator Battery.

LED lights and switch

The switch allows you to turn on the SCP LED illumination when required as well as the LED in the Start Battery Voltmeter gauge. When the need arises, like finding and changing a fuse or even trying to insert a plug in the dark, you no longer need to go find a flashlight!

Parallel Mode remote switch

This allows the system to enter ‘Parallel Mode’ for the battery banks essentially joining the main Alternator Battery with the Service batteries in parallel. Pressing this button, engages the BEP 701-MD motorized switch in the Power Distribution extension module and that in turn, joins the banks together.

Sinergex Inverter Remote

To compliment your inverter and offer additional convenience, we have included the most advanced remote Sinergex has to offer.
The CR-6 remote connects to the inverter with a single RJ11 cable. At the touch of a button you can power your inverter on and off while your inverter is stored in the trunk floor luggage compartment of your BMW. The flush-mount design adds to the SCP’s custom sleek appearance.
The LED display indicates the power status of your inverter and of the Service Battery Bank and every status message is clearly indicated right on the SCP without the need to look inside the trunk. 

Plug-In Power and Energy Monitor Socket

It will accurately measure the power usage of all of your plugged in appliances to enable you to easily work out how much power was used up in your Service Battery Bank. The Large LCD display will count consumption by the Kilowatt-hour, same as your local utility.
The most versatile unit available currently that can measure as low as 1 watt where other units can't. This is important when measuring devices on standby as most electrical appliances use less than 10 watts and other meters cannot read this.

  • Large LCD display
  • Cumulative Kilowatt-Hour Monitor
  • Forecast Your Costs
  • Also display Volts, Amps, Watts, Hz, VA
  • 0.2% Accuracy

Digital LCD Power Meters/Analyzers (each with its own reset switch)

Measures current, voltage and time and from those measurements calculates peak current (Amps), peak power (Watts), minimum voltage (Volts), power (Watts), energy (Watt-hours) and charge (Amp-hours) values for you, in real-time, for the circuit in which you connect it.

  • Measures energy (Wh), charge (Ah), power (W), current (A) and voltage (V)
  • Connector to use an optional receiver battery for measurement down to 0 V
  • Accurate & precise – 0.01 A current and 0.01 V voltage resolutions
  • Measures peak Amps, peak Watts (except for Doc Wattson) and voltage minimum (sag)
  • Rugged – handles 50 A continuous and 100 A peak at 60 V
  • 14 ga., super fine stranded, high temperature, silicone rubber insulated wire
  • Small & light with a tough plastic case available in several colors
  • Acts like a wire so doesn't affect model's performance.
  • Precision Alu-Chrom current sensing resistor, with only 0.001 Ohms resistance and circuitry that draws only 7 mA
  • Uses DSP to increase ADC resolution and differential measurement amplifiers to increase noise immunity
  • Factory calibration stores constants in EEPROM to compensate for component tolerances
  • Powerful, 8 MIPS micro-controller
  • Made in USA to ISO 9001:2000 quality standards
  • One-year warranty and complete user manual

12V DC I/O sockets

The superior electric current carrying capacity of these receptacles eliminates problems that rob motors of power and reduce battery life.
They also feature a locking plug and receptacle with a spring clamping connection that provides a secure electrical contact.
Weather resistant sealing cap, Drain holes in receptacle keep water away from electrical components, Perma-Lock screw terminals will not loosen under extreme vibration, accepts up to 10 gauge wire.
Electrical Specifications: 12V, 15A.

AC charging socket

A C14 type socket used for supplying 240VAC power to the M300 charger.


SmartGauge provides highly accurate battery monitoring at a similar cost of standard Ah counting based monitors. The easy to understand display, dependable SoC% reading and its ease of use mean that even the most technically challenged crew member can truly understand just how much power is left in the battery.

  • Model Based Battery Monitor
  • Does not run out of synchronisation with batteries. Much more accurate than basic Ah counters
  • Provides voltage and SoC% for auxiliary battery and voltage of engine start battery
  • High/Low voltage and SoC% alarms
  • Alarm contacts for auto start/stop of generators, load shedding, external alarms etc.

The Answer To Battery Management Questions: Once users understand battery % remaining they can get the most out of the batteries. This saves you the cost of early battery replacement and adds the safety benefit of them not running out of power. SmartGauge answers questions like “Are the batteries charged yet?”, “When should I start the engine to recharge?”, “Can I leave the fridge/lights/echo sounder on overnight?”. SmartGauge is fitted in applications as varied as cruising yachts to ambulances and electric invalid carriages to utility vehicles – imparting battery information to previously uninformed users in a clear, easy to understand format.

Automation of Systems:

Using Ah counters to automatically start/stop generators and shed loads is often fraught with trouble. As soon as the Ah counter runs out of synchronisation, generators start at unexpected times and loads are switched off when more than enough battery capacity remains. Because SmartGauge never runs out of synch, it is your generator’s perfect auto start/stop controller. The free alarm contact provided can also be used for remote alarms or to turn off loads.


SmartGauge provides Battery Voltage & SoC% for only the Service Battery Bank. Suitable for 12 or 24V battery banks of 50-2000Ah. It displays the voltage only for a second (normally engine) battery. High/Low voltage alarms and State of Charge % alarm are standard features.

Low Power Consumption:

SmartGauge uses around a tenth of the power of a competitive monitor. Because battery monitors should be left connected at all times, power usage is very important. SmartGauge uses just 3.5Ah per month – a 100Ah battery can power SmartGauge (with no charge sources) for around 14 months.

SmartGauge Display:

In stand-alone mode, SmartGauge will display the voltage of the Service Battery Bank. Pressing Status will show Service Battery Bank State of Charge %.
If needed, SmartGauge will display the voltage of the main Alternator battery by pressing the Voltage button twice. This is however already taken care of by the Start Battery Voltmeter.

Fuel Saving Tip: Batteries charge quickly up to 80% State of Charge. After 80% they take longer to charge – burning an exponentially larger amount of fuel. Efficient use of a generator or engine alternator is to discharge batteries to 50% DoD (Depth of Discharge – the maximum a battery should be discharged to is 50%) and recharge to 80%. SmartGauge can automatically start/stop generators according to battery State of Charge %.

Internal DC Out (via Powerpole) 12V 540W (45A max.)

The short cable, equipped with white & black Powerpole connectors, coming out of LOOM1 is responsible for supplying DC current to any equipment you may need to power, up to a maximum of 45A (540W). It is ideal for anything requiring more power than the 15A the cigarette receptacle outlets are capable of delivering.

Trunk floor compartment auto-illumination module (add-on)

This add-on consists of 2 cables that connect to the Internal DC Out (via Powerpole) and allow the trunk floor compartment to be illuminated automatically whenever the trunk floor door is opened.

Wireless ‘Parallel Mode’ module (add-on)

This add-on consists of a wireless receiver and a wireless remote control unit. When installed inside the SCP, it allows the user to engage ‘Parallel Mode’ remotely from anywhere within range. This is extremely useful in situations where the car has lost all power from the main alternator battery and will not allow the owner to enter or exit the car and will not allow the engine to start.
When the ON button is pressed, the system enters ‘Parallel Mode’ and power from the Service Battery Bank is allowed to flow through the main Alternator Battery to the car’s systems, thus allowing the doors to unlock and all systems to function, including starting the engine if the Service Battery Bank has enough power.

After engaging ‘Parallel Mode’ it is recommended to leave the car switched off for a few minutes, before trying to start the engine. If for any reason the car will not start within the first 10 minutes, disengage ‘Parallel Mode’ and call for assistance, making sure you open the bonnet first before closing the doors.

When the OFF button is pressed, the system exits ‘Parallel Mode’.
It is recommended to keep the ‘Parallel Mode’ remote control on your car key’s key-ring at all times.

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Πίνακας Ελέγχου Συστήματος

  • Κωδικός Προϊόντος: HP-X6EM-E71-SCP
  • Διαθεσιμότητα: Διαθέσιμο
  • 1,656.48€
  • Χωρίς ΦΠΑ: 1,392.00€

Διαθέσιμες Επιλογές

Ετικέτες: πίνακας, ελέγχου, συστήματος, eλέγχου, hallonpower Πίνακας, Ελέγχου, Συστήματος

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